Cloud Compliance vs Cloud Governance

May 05, 2022

Introduction - Mind the Cloud Gap

As more enterprises moved critical workloads to the cloud, cloud compliance, and cloud governance have become buzzwords that are top of mind. Cloud compliance and cloud governance sound similar, but they are not interchangeable terms. While both concepts form a necessary part of a comprehensive cloud strategy, they differ in meaning, objectives, and implementation.

Cloud Compliance - The Rules of Attraction

Cloud compliance refers to adhering to regulations, standards, and policies governing data protection, privacy, and security in the cloud. When migrating to the cloud, organizations must ensure their workloads comply with rules and industry standards, such as SOC 2, HIPAA, and GDPR. Compliance is usually achieved through internal and external audits, reports, and attestations.

For instance, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) require organizations that store, process, or transmit credit card data in the cloud to meet specific security standards. Companies that fail to comply with these standards risk fines, reputational damage, and loss of business.

Cloud Governance - The Heart of the Matter

Cloud governance refers to the set of policies, procedures, and controls that govern the use, operation, and maintenance of cloud resources. Governance ensures that the cloud environment aligns with the organization's objectives, security policies, and service-level agreements.

Effective governance requires a centralized approach to manage resources such as cloud subscriptions, resource groups, and virtual networks. Governance ensures that the cloud resources align with the organization's objectives while optimizing cost, performance, and security.

Cloud Compliance vs. Cloud Governance

Cloud compliance and cloud governance are essential components of cloud management, but they differ in focus, objectives, and scope. Compliance focuses on adhering to standards, regulations, and policies governing cloud use, while governance focuses on centralized management of cloud resources.

While compliance strategies aims to meet regulatory and policy requirements, governance strategies aim to optimize cost, performance, and security. Effective governance can ensure compliance, while compliance does not imply effective governance.

Conclusion - Finding Common Cloud

In conclusion, Cloud Compliance and Cloud Governance are two distinct yet essential concepts that organizations must understand to mitigate risk and reap the full benefits of the cloud. Regardless of the implementation method, companies need to prioritize compliance and governance to succeed in their cloud journey.

With both cloud compliance and cloud governance in place, companies can adopt cloud technologies confidently, knowing that their workloads are secure, compliant, and aligned with the organization's policies, objectives, and expectations.


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